8 Tips for Improving Your SEO Strategy

Improve SEO

Improve SEO

According to research, more than 90% of all activity on the internet begins with a search engine. However, while about a third of the top results will be clicked, 75% of users never even look at the results on the second page. This means if you want your content to be found, you need to improve your search engine rankings. These eight tips can help you improve your SEO strategy.

1. Make Sure Your Pages Load Fast

The Google algorithm penalizes slow loading sites, which means if your site takes too long to load, it will rank lower. Additionally, the people who do click through to your site are more likely to leave without interacting with it if the page doesn’t load within three seconds. To make matters worse, if people are leaving your site and not coming back, the reduction in traffic to your site will further lower your ranking. Optimize both your page and your server response time to ensure your pages load quickly. Boost your security while working on your site by using a VPN for Windows.

2. Optimize Your Images

Images are important for engaging visitors with your website; however, if they are not optimized they can severely impact your site’s load time. Use image editing tools to resize and compress your images. Get more SEO bang for your buck out of your images by using keywords in your file names, image title and image captions.

3. Create High-Quality Content

To get the highest Google rankings and keep your traffic numbers high, make your content high-quality, recent and relevant. These factors not only make people more likely to keep visiting your site but make it more likely they will spend more time on your site when they visit, which will also boost your search ranking. You need to frequently update your site with highly useful, engaging content.

4. Start a Blog

Blogging can be a valuable tool for generating leads and engaging website visitors. It can also improve your SEO rankings. Blogs are an ideal platform to create an engaged and loyal audience. They also lend themselves to frequent updates. Include keywords relevant to your business in the blogs you write.

5. Include Outbound Links

Including outbound links in your web pages and blog posts increases the credibility of your website. Any claims you make on your site should be linked to authoritative sources that prove your claim. In addition to making sure your outbound links go to authoritative sources, you should make sure those sources are recent and relevant. You should also add internal links to other relevant pages on your own site.

6. Fix Broken Links

Broken links will drive down your SEO ranking and turn off visitors. Use an online tool or plugin to check your site for links that no longer work and remove or update those links. You can also use these tools to monitor other websites in your industry. If you find a deadlink, you can contact the webmaster and ask them to replace the broken link with a relevant link to your website. Outbound links from other websites to your site will increase your traffic and your SEO ranking.

7. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Devices

How well your site performs on mobile devices plays a big role in how Google ranks your site. Additionally, with more than 60% of Google searches being performed on mobile sites, if your site doesn’t work well on mobile devices, you will lose a lot of traffic.

8. Provide Accurate Contact Information

Google factors how trustworthy your site seems into their rankings. A site with no contact information will not score well in the trustworthiness category. Make sure you have up-to-date, accurate contact information in an easily accessible place on your site.

How well your site ranks in search engines will have a huge impact on the amount of traffic you will receive. These eight tips can help you improve your SEO strategy.

Tags: seo
Nick Loggie:
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