5 Ways to Reduce Data Integrity Risk

How to Lower Data Integrity Risks

How to Lower Data Integrity Risks

Data integrity risk is the risk of data being changed or lost without authorization. Data integrity risks can lead to data loss, which can be catastrophic for any business.

Data integrity risk is also identified when the data processed in a system is inconsistent, inaccurate  or incomplete across the network. It can be a result of the lack or weakness of the IT management system in different phases of the data life cycle.

Managing these issues is part of the data integrity risks assessment. The process involves mapping out data to determine inherent risks, preventing them from actually happening.

Why is Data Loss a Problem for Business?

Data loss can be a huge problem for any business. It can lead to the loss of customer data, the loss of intellectual property and even the loss of revenue.

Data loss can happen in many ways and it is important to take precautions in order to avoid it. One way is by backing up your data on a regular basis. This will allow you to restore your data if it is lost or corrupted.

There are many reasons why data loss is a problem for businesses, but the most important one is that it can lead to a loss of revenue and reputation. For example, when customer data gets lost, the business may lose its customers. Loss of business-critical data may also cause problems in the supply chain or impact the company’s ability to operate in compliance with regulations such as HIPAA or GDPR.

What Sorts of Actions Can We Take to Reduce the Risk of Data Loss?

Data loss is a real and present danger.

Data loss is a serious risk that every company should be aware of. It can happen at any time, and it can have a major impact on your business. In this section, we will explore some ways that you can reduce the risk of data loss in your company.

Why data integrity is important in cyber security?

Cybersecurity is a must for organisations. To avoid data breaches and compromising information that may affect a company negatively, here are some practices a company can implement to reduce data integrity risk.

Promoting a Culture of Integrity

Integrity in the workplace begins with its people. An honest work environment reduces the risk of data breaches and other issues with data integrity. An honest work environment is usually made up of employees that are eager to report an instance or shortcut that may cause data to become compromised.

Creating Audit Trails

Audit trails in handling data helps in preventing and minimising data risks. It also gives a controller easy access in determining what happened to data during the different stages of its life cycle – where it came from, and how it is being used and transformed as it is used in the business.

Process Maps for Critical Data

Process mapping is a visual representation of the steps and sequence of activities that are required to produce a product or service.

This process map should be developed for all critical data in your organisation. This includes:

– Data types

– Data owners

– Data custodians

– Data location

– Data life cycle management (e.g., storage, retention, archiving).

By creating a mapping process, one gets better control over data assets, thus implementing proper measures for compliance and security.

Eliminating Data Security Vulnerabilities

Data is the currency of the digital age and as such, it needs to be protected.

The average company loses $4.8 million annually due to data security vulnerabilities. This is a huge cost for businesses and it can be prevented by implementing a few simple security measures.

There are many ways to prevent data breaches, but one of the most important ones is encryption. Encryption scrambles information so that only those with a key can read it, effectively making stolen data useless to hackers or other malicious actors.

Validating Computer Systems

Computer systems are an integral part of any business. Data is stored on these systems and they are often connected to other systems in the network. Hence, it is important to ensure that these systems are secure and it is possible only when the data on them is encrypted.

There are many different ways in which computer systems can be validated for data security. Some of the most common ways include penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and security audits. Implementing these practices helps create robust data integrity practices in the workplace.

Organisations should pay great attention to the data integrity risks that their business data may face. They should rely on in-house integrity practices and cloud integration platforms with built-in risk management capabilities for handling data. Preventive measures, troubleshooting and data stewardship must also be strictly practised to monitor all aspects of data integrity vital to regulatory compliance requirements, data quality and most of all, data security.

Author Bio 

Ashley Miller is a technology writer who enjoys reading and writing topics on cybersecurity, IT Services, cloud services, and other topics related to IT. When not writing, she enjoys watching television series and catching up on reading novels.

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