5 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out in a Competitive Market

5 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out in a Competitive Market

5 Ways to Make Your Website Stand Out in a Competitive Market

Ever since digital marketing became mainstream, companies have been harnessing users’ attention as a power play to improve and promote their business. 

But with 252,000 new websites popping up every day, vying for the attention of the same prospects, it’s clear that the marketing landscape is so competitive.

Although the right SEO tweaks can nudge visitors to your website, your bounce rates would increase if your website setup is bland and generic. And when that happens, it could hurt your revenues and SEO efforts.

This article will teach you how to make your website stand out from competitors. 

Choose the Right Template for Your Website

Websites are a gateway to discovery, showcase your work, and influence a prospect’s buying decision.

Some tools and plugins give you a detailed insight into your website content. They also provide valuable analytics that allow you to identify what’s working and isn’t.

Therefore, choosing the right website templates gives you some autonomy over your website.   

To create a WordPress site, you must install themes to make your website stand out from competitors.

While there are varieties of website templates out there, knowing what to look for will help you choose the best option. These are some factors you should consider before deciding on a websites template: 

Highlight Your Objectives

First, identify the things you hope to accomplish with the website and ensure that they align with your company’s objectives. It could be increasing your revenue or providing a tailored experience that mesh with your client’s journey.

Your objectives might also include the structure of your websites, such as the layout, interface, functionality, and menu bars.

Make sure your objectives are concise, achievable, and strategic.

Research the Perfect Website Templates for Your Business

There are tons of website templates designed for different lines of business. Therefore, you must research the right website template for your business. 

When working on an eCommerce website, you must prioritize branding, high-quality images, and color to create a website that stands out from competitors.

And if you need help getting started, you can seek inspiration from others in your industry with a better website setup. 

Come Up With a Checklist of Website Design Necessities

Now that you have a clear picture of what you want with your website, you should narrow it down to what is most important.

Draw a checklist with specifics of the functionality and appearance you want for your website. Here are some web design necessities you can add to your list. 

  • Header design
  • Content width design
  • SEO
  • Integration
  • Responsive design template
  • Flexibility
  • Customer support

Provide a Great User Experience Design

A user experience design improves your business’s different aspects, from customer satisfaction to your conversion rate. It fulfills the user’s needs when they visit your website.

User experience ensures that users have a positive experience – which keeps them loyal to your brand and business. It also allows you to define the customer journey of your products – which in turn helps your website stand out from competitors.

You can give your visitors a tailored experience by ensuring your website is easy to navigate, adding microinteractions, and even for inexperienced users. 

Additionally, a user-friendly interface streamlines a visitor’s interaction with your website. As a result, you are more likely to retain a customer that finds your website interface attractive and easy to use. According to a report by Forrester, a better UI can boost your website’s conversion by 200%. 

Lastly, ensure that your site is easily accessible on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.  

Website Content From a Unique Standpoint

Besides making your websites stand out, creating content from a unique standpoint has many other benefits.

It adds value to your website by boosting your domain authority, organic traffic as well as your level of engagement. In addition, it positions you as a credible source for industry trends and insights. 

Unique content can also improve your SEO efforts. 

So, how do you create unique website content?

Although there are never-ending tips on how to create unique content, here are some of the best practices we handpicked:

Be the Solution to Real-World Problems

Provide solutions to real-world problems affecting your targeted audience. The catch is maintaining the relevance between your services and what the audience wants. Focus on their pain points and position your services to improve their lives and businesses. 

The Art of Storytelling With Proprietary Data

Proprietary data is generated from your product ( like a product survey) or collected yourself.

But the art of storytelling with proprietary data involves transforming data into a compelling and engaging analysis. This art also adds credence and uniqueness to your website content.

Buzzumo’s analysis of 100 million headlines to identify the best practices of page titles is an excellent example of proprietary data. However, they present these facts in a way that makes you want more. 

Personal Narratives

We all love to be entertained by good stories. But, if you are the kind that shies away from telling your sharing stories, you are missing out on a lot. 

Be comfortable sharing lessons you’ve learned from a personal experience – especially those times you made mistakes. There are lessons to be learned from good and bad experiences.  

Be Precise

Many forces are vying for your audience’s attention, so you must make it count. First, ensure that you are communicating clearly with the targeted audience.

In addition, focus on those pointers that would resonate the most with your audience.

Refresh Website Content Regular Basis

Sometimes website content ages into outdated and are no longer relevant to the readers. But reviewing and refreshing your content regularly ensures that it remains relevant and caters to your audience’s current needs.

Furthermore, content refresh improves the performance of your content performance results & drives traffic to your existing website content. You can easily revamp all web content, from blogs to landing pages, guides to FAQs.

You can refresh your websites by updating outdated information like old statistics, quotes, and facts. Also, provide more actionable tips and cut irrelevant details.

Personalize your websites

Personalized websites give visitors a better-tailored experience. Prioritizing your audience is another way to make a website stand out in a competitive market.

When a targeted audience visits your websites, valuable information should be easy to spot. 

Through market research, you can also gain insight into your audience’s wants and intent.

You can start by communicating the value of your products and services in a way that resonates with your audience. 

Case studies, success stories, and real-life examples that touch on their pain points and provide actionable takeaways on how to solve their problem are other ways to personalize your website.

Finally, be invested in making their lives & business better with your content, website, and services. 

What Did We Miss?

Creating a website that stands out in a competitive market is no easy feat. But if you are ready to put in the work, it can transform your business.

Choosing the proper website templates and pinpointing your objectives and content refresh are some of the best practices to make your website stand out.

What did we miss? Let us know your best approach to make a website stand out in the crowd in the comment.

Author Bio

Radina Skorcheva is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Inbound Blogging, specializing in Content marketing and SEO. Besides her passion for digital marketing, she likes traveling and spending time with her family. You can connect with her on LinkedIn.

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