5 Ways To Improve Your Marketing Agency Before the Year Is Over

5 Ways To Improve Your Marketing Agency Before the Year Is Over

5 Ways To Improve Your Marketing Agency Before the Year Is Over

If you own a marketing agency, you know that the struggle is real. On top of everything else you have to do, you have to find more clients and create more leads. Running a business is not a task for the faint of heart, and a marketing agency could be much more difficult. The reason for the difficulties is because you are typically a B2B organization, and businesses everywhere know that they need marketing in order to be successful. The skill you bring to the table is unmatched by any other industry because yours is a must. However, with the millions of businesses out there, they all have a different approach with different techniques that they expect you to follow. Tailoring your service to each one can be a bit of a hassle, and other industries don’t have to do this for their clients. However, there is still light at the end of the tunnel, and there is always room for improvement. Also, you can improve quickly! In fact, here are five ways that you can better your marketing agency by the end of this year.

1. Create or Tweak Your Lead Magnet

First, make sure that you have a lead magnet or two for your business. If you don’t know what this is, a lead magnet is something you offer to potential customers for free or on the cheap in order to get them to give you their information. What you’re looking for is their name, number, and email. When they give you this, they become a lead. However, you have to offer them something that will make their jaws drop and show them that they would be foolish not to get it. That’s a lead magnet. More leads equal more clients equals more money.

2. Visit the Clients More

If you can physically make an appearance at your client’s place of business, it would be a great idea. It shows them that there is a face behind this agency they’re using and makes you more approachable. Your client will be more likely to stick around. Consider visiting them once every quarter and go on the road with your rugged laptop, or think about hiring an outreach ambassador for your agency.

3. Handle Your Leads Better

Learning to handle your leads better will greatly help your agency. If needed, have monthly meetings focusing only on your leads, as these could potentially be the people who will pay you. It’s important to return their phone calls or address them within 15 minutes of receiving their information, if possible. Supply great customer service as soon as you reach out to them, and you’re sure to convert them into a customer.

4. Use Surveys To Reach Your Clients

Sending out occasional surveys to your customers is a great way to get feedback and see where you need to improve. There are hundreds of ways that you can do this online, as there are entire online companies dedicated to allowing you to create surveys and send them to anyone you like. In the survey, ask your client what they want you to start doing and how you can improve. Look at these as focus groups, which can be very powerful for your agency.

5. Set Goals and Be Laser-Focused on Them

Your agency should have goals and quotas you need to meet. These KPIs should be laser-focused on, and you need to hold your team accountable for meeting these goals. The goals could be a certain number of leads you need to attain every month or a certain amount you need to make by a quarter. Some people don’t like to participate, but getting organized and creating goals on paper will make your business better in the long run.

Remember that your agency can be number one this year and the next. All it takes is a little tweak here and there and then making the dream a reality by applying these techniques.

Nick Loggie:
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