5 Lead Generation Frauds of 2022 (and How to Stop Them)

5 Lead Generation Frauds of 2022 (and How to Stop Them)

5 Lead Generation Frauds of 2022 (and How to Stop Them)

As the digital age has progressed, so too has the sophistication of fraudsters. No longer are consumers merely bombarded with spam emails and pop-up ads–now, they are constantly barraged with attempts to steal their personal information. 

This is especially true when it comes to lead generation. If you’re in the business of generating leads, you know that there are a lot of fraudsters out there looking to make a quick buck. 

From false advertising to “lead laundering,” there are all sorts of scams being perpetrated in the world of lead generation. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five of the worst lead generation frauds of 2022 and what you can do to stop them.

1. False Advertising

One of the most common lead generation frauds is false advertising. This is when a company uses misleading or inaccurate information to lure people into giving them their contact information. 

For example, they may use a fake testimonial or make false claims about their product or service. Be sure to do your research before working with any lead generation company, and don’t hesitate to ask for references.

2. Lead Laundering

“Lead laundering” is another common scam in the world of lead generation. This is when a company sells leads that have been collected using illegal or unethical means.

For example, they may have acquired the leads through phishing emails or by buying them from someone who collected them through false advertising. 

To avoid being scammed, be sure to ask how the lead was generated and verify the source before doing business with the company.

3. Bait and Switch Schemes

“Bait and switch” schemes are when a company uses one offer to lure people into giving them their contact information, but then tries to sell them something else entirely. 

For example, they may advertise a free Ebook but then try to sell you an expensive course once they have your email address. 

To avoid being scammed, be clear about what you’re getting in exchange for your contact information before giving it out.

4. Spamming

Another common lead generation scam is spamming. This is when a company sends unsolicited emails or texts in an attempt to generate leads. 

These messages are often sent without consent and can be extremely annoying and intrusive. If you receive one of these messages, be sure to report it so the sender can be stopped.

5. Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are when someone poses as a legitimate company in order to collect contact information like email addresses or phone numbers. 

They may do this by sending fake emails or setting up bogus websites that look like the real thing. Be sure to verify the identity of any companies you’re dealing with before giving out your information, and never respond to any requests for personal information that come via email or text unless you’re absolutely certain that they’re legitimate. 


These are just a few of the many lead generation frauds being perpetrated today. By being aware of these scams and opting for relevant lead generation fraud solutions, you can help ensure that you don’t become a victim of one of these schemes.

Nick Loggie:
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