4 Postgraduate Degrees That Lead To Careers in Marketing And Business Strategy

4 Postgraduate Degrees That Lead To Careers in Marketing And Business Strategy

4 Postgraduate Degrees That Lead To Careers in Marketing And Business Strategy

Careers in marketing and business strategy are highly prized. Professionals in these two interconnected fields are highly paid and can climb to the very top of the corporate ladder. Here are some postgraduate qualifications that can help you become the perfect candidate for roles in these fields. 

Applied Economics

Becoming a Master of Science in Applied Economics is a good way of showing prospective marketing and business strategy employers that you have what it takes to crunch the numbers and develop data-driven plans that will help a company survive and grow. Economic principles are at the core of almost any role in business, and a demonstrable knowledge of complex economic structures is valuable in many ways. 


A Master’s Degree in Business Administration has long been considered a gateway qualification in the energy sector, government, and industries, and to all sorts of senior business roles. MBA courses often offer business strategy, marketing, management, and sustainability specializations. First offered at Harvard Business School in the early 20th Century, the MBA has evolved into one of the most sought-after qualifications in the world and is offered at many top universities. Now, many institutions offer MBA distance learning programs to accommodate the demands of the hustle generation. Prospective MBA students are expected to have real-life experience in business, so this qualification is not for people looking to get their feet on the first rung of the ladder. 

Data Analysis

Marketing and business strategy are two fields that are increasingly data-driven. Data informs almost all decisions in modern business, and specialists in data analysis are gold dust. A postgraduate degree in data analysis should make you very attractive to potential employers if you play your cards right and tailor your studies towards your future career. You don’t have to be working in business to have heard of big data. Big data dominates strategy and marketing at the moment, and data analysts provide companies with the ability to make the most out of exponentially increasing and diversifying datasets.  


All of the previous qualifications on this list are extremely useful for finding specialist work in marketing and business strategy. They all give students and experienced professionals immensely useful skills to work with when trying to get their feet firmly on the right track. Some students might be more interested in taking the direct route to a career in marketing. For these students, a master’s or Doctorate level degree in marketing might be the way to go. Of course, no degree guarantees a student any kind of place in the workforce. Marketing is a complex and highly diversified industry, and agencies are always looking to diversify the skill types of the people they employ. With the right planning, however, a marketing degree can be made to work for you. Planning for a specialization is immensely important. Specializations in postgraduate degrees are a way of distinguishing your skills. When applying for senior roles, what you actually studied in your degree is just as important to employers as what kind of degree you did. Research the various specializations in marketing before planning your study path. 

Tags: careers
Nick Loggie:
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