3 Strategies to Get Link Building Right in 2021

Strategies to Get Link Building Right in 2021

Strategies to Get Link Building Right in 2021

Out of all the ranking factors used by search engines, link building remains one of the most important. Building links requires putting together a solid marketing strategy. Since there are plenty of approaches and techniques related to this method, many beginners may find the task overwhelming. Another aspect that adds to the challenge is that digital marketing is highly dynamic. Adjusting to changes is crucial if you want to ensure the long-term efficacy of your strategy. 

The importance of link building in SEO

There’s no denying how much time and effort it requires to succeed in SEO and link building. Since getting it right isn’t a simple task, most companies hire a link building agency such as Ocere. When you partner with an expert, you can leverage their expertise, experience, and best practices. To understand better how link building works and how to guarantee results, here is a list of strategies that may help boost your SEO numbers this year. 

Traditional link building

Tactics categorised as traditional refer to making an effort to manually place the links. This means you aren’t requiring the services of a blogger or influencer. Aside from impacting overall SEO, this tactic can help your site gain referral traffic. However, the downside here is that manual link building won’t have a significant effect on ranking.

Quick-win link building

Not every approach to link building has to be resource-intensive. Indeed, while the majority are, there are plenty of tactics you can use that can help you get links quickly. What are some examples of quick-win tactics?

  • Unlinked brand mention. It’s common for businesses to get mentioned in the press for various reasons. These mentions aren’t automatically links but can be turned into one. Most marketers use a tool to search for these brand mentions. The next step requires contacting the source so that they can add a link.
  • Repositioning links. This tactic isn’t talked about as much but can be used easily to maximise the benefits of backlinks. Repositioning links means taking a look at all the links pointing to your site homepage. Those links that discuss product features and benefits may be repositioned to link to an internal page.

What quick-win tactics do is help you focus your attention on strategies that require less effort, yet achieve good results. These opportunities will ensure that you aren’t missing out on anything that could potentially boost your numbers. 

Link earning

Earning links is considered a top tactic for marketers. When you earn links, it means that a third-party consciously chose to link to your website. This strategy has a significant competitive advantage and requires a more advanced approach. One tactic used in earning links is digital PR. Put simply, you get high-quality links from media publications. It involves creating a PR pitch, networking, and outreach, as well as convincing the press to cover specific stories that will link back to your website. Many of the contents used to earn links from press publications include infographics, research focused on data or statistics, and surveys that add value for readers.

Nick Loggie:
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