Why Your Marketing Efforts Cannot Exist in Silos

Why Your Marketing Efforts Cannot Exist in Silos

Why Your Marketing Efforts Cannot Exist in Silos

It’s no secret that a strong digital marketing strategy is key to the success of a business operating in any sphere these days. As a result, companies are now investing more money and time than ever before into each individual facet of the SEO process. However, many are making the mistake of treating the disciplines of copywriting, social media, PR and ad campaigns as separate entities, which can cause problems for the brand’s digital identity.

Of course, each of those areas does require a significant input of detail and attention, which is why the choice to isolate each of them might seem logical. In practice, however, this only contributes to miscommunication between the various teams involved and can even lead to them getting in the way of each other’s efforts. By placing each facet in its own disparate silo, you limit the collective potential of your marketing division as a whole.

Where the problems lie

In practical terms, this often manifests itself in PR teams not communicating properly with their SEO counterparts, which can play havoc with the effectiveness of a digital marketing strategy. For example, Google’s search engine algorithm recently changed (again!) to give precedence to sites which display capacity for original reporting. Depending on your company’s take on the move, this might mean changing tack in how you publish content or – more contentiously – even retrospectively altering the posts and pages that have already been uploaded. If the PR team hasn’t been kept abreast of the new policy by the SEO boffins, they could become disgruntled by having to undo all their previous good work. 

At the same time, that drawback can become an advantage if everyone is pulling in the same direction. Once a strategy has been established, the same content can be repurposed multiple times. Say the PR division conduct a survey, for instance; it can then by turned into a blog by the copywriters, pushed on social media and incorporated into the ad campaign. This kind of holistic return on investment is only achievable if everyone is talking to, listening and working in tandem with one another.

How to find the perfect solution

The first step in achieving seamless collaboration and the optimum results that engenders is oversight. This can be gained through the use of important marketing tools, such as the affiliate tracking software provided by Voluum, which offers real-time ad tracking capabilities to allow you to see where your efforts are working well and where your strategy needs tweaking. Whether you advertise via search engines, pop-ups, email campaigns, social media or somewhere else, you’ll instantly know when and how to tailor your approach.

Then, armed with this information, you can ensure all of the various marketing limbs of your company are moving together to ensure optimum results. With everyone on the same page, you can achiever smoother integration of your team’s efforts, take on larger projects, leverage greater datasets and ultimately drive more traffic to your site, resulting in bigger profit margins as a consequence. 

Let your business reach its full potential by taking advantage of sophisticated digital tools, doing away with the silos in which your marketing efforts exist and drowning out the silence between them. Only in this way will you see maximum ROI from your advertising spend.

Tags: Marketing
Nick Loggie:
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