Is Hybrid Cloud a Happy Medium Solution for Your Company?

Is Hybrid Cloud a Happy Medium Solution for Your Company?

Is Hybrid Cloud a Happy Medium Solution for Your Company?

The modernization of business technologies continues to transform how companies choose how to operate. To stay competitive and to maintain customer loyalty, companies are investing in public cloud services. However, some businesses are hesitant to give a third party (the cloud platform) control of all of their data. In response to the “all or none” public cloud dilemma, global demand for a “hybrid cloud” solution was born.

Why Are Companies Switching to Hybrid Cloud Services?

What is hybrid cloud? Basically, hybrid cloud allows an organization to access a combination of public and private cloud (on-site) computing systems. This is a seemingly happy medium for businesses who want the numerous capabilities of public cloud services, but still want to retain some of their private servers. According to Statista, in 2020, the global hybrid cloud market was $52 billion and in 2026, it is estimated to reach $145 billion. In case you are wondering why phenomenal growth is projected for hybrid cloud, here is a list of reported benefits:

Control Over Sensitive Data

Hybrid cloud services give you control over your sensitive data because you keep it on your on-site servers. When you migrate all your computing to the public cloud, your data and processing are handled by a third party. 

Increased Security

Regarding security, a hybrid cloud might offer the best of both worlds. As mentioned above, you have control over the data in your company’s private cloud; however, a hybrid cloud’s public aspect will provide risk management and disaster recovery. Your company will also keep compliant with regulations.


To remain competitive, hybrid cloud use allows your company to implement quick changes in your computing system. With the click of a mouse, you can transfer data, expand your workload and upload a new product.


Another public cloud advantage that hybrid users have is automation. You can program your systems to automatically respond to changes and customer inquiries.

Cost Savings

Cloud services are similar to “ala carte” dining in that you have the option to only pay for tools you need. And, you pay for those items only when you need them. This feature allows you to plan for incremental expenses as your company grows, rather than making a sizable investment when you need to expand.

Improved Support for Remote Employees

Hybrid cloud allows access to company resources and data at any time and from any place. So your remote workforce can easily complete tasks online rather than relying on an on-site computer. In addition to online convenience, this cloud benefit can also have a positive impact on your hiring process. No longer limited by proximity and time zone, you can consider hiring candidates from all over the world if you want.

Improved Day-to-Day Stability

When you distribute your company’s computing services in a hybrid cloud model, you help stabilize your daily business transactions. Even if you have a major problem, the cloud will help you lower downtime and interruptions. The cloud can accommodate and scale according to the size of your new demands. You no longer need to rely on your private servers that can slow down in response to overload.

Some Caveats

Experts recommend that before you enter the hybrid cloud community, you make sure that you have a cloud-trained IT staff. The added layer of cloud services will make things more complex in your office so you want to ensure your IT staff can handle it. Due to the increased hardware needed, you might also lose some cost benefits. Also, ensure your company encrypts data and manages security according to your procedures on-site rather than rely solely on the security provided by third parties.

After you have considered the pros and cons of hybrid cloud, the next step is to decide what you need, if you haven’t already done so. Remember, when consulting with cloud providers, you will not need every offered service. Keep in mind the “ala carte” philosophy and customize your company’s hybrid cloud to suit your needs and your budget.

Nick Loggie:
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