How to Use Custom Labels for Emotional Marketing?

How to Use Custom Labels for Emotional Marketing?

How to Use Custom Labels for Emotional Marketing?

Your ordinary client is assaulted with thousands of adverts every day in a world that is saturated with information. Your wine label needs to stand out and appeal with people amid a sea of infinite and sometimes indistinguishable items. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a product that’s just like the next.

Much recent study emphasises the importance of labels in customer decision-making. Why, then, would a company choose not to invest in high-quality, personalised labels to attract customers’ attention? One important factor could be because they are unaware of (yet) how significant an impact they can have on sales.

  • Anger-inducing content has a 38% chance of becoming viral, according to Moz.
  • Customers that have an emotional attachment to a brand are more inclined to suggest it (71 percent).
  • Nielsen reports that ads with an above-average emotional response result in a 23 percent increase in sales volume.
  • Headlines using negative superlatives (such as “worst” or “never”) had a 30% higher click-through rate than those with positive superlatives (such as “best” or “always”).
  • Customers who are emotionally attached to a company are 52 percent more valuable than customers who are very happy
  • Strong emotional videos are 2X more likely to be shared than videos that generate a weak emotional response.

Because their placement on products also achieves branding and highlights the product to potential customers, labels are the most cost-effective kind of product promotion. However, you must know how to do it in order to succeed. Custom stickers could be the key to your success.

What do you mean by emotional marketing?

Emotional marketing has the power to convince and develop brand credibility by providing a competitive, differentiating aspect. It’s a technique for making your buyers feel a certain way so they’ll be more likely to buy without weighing the pros and cons.

This sort of marketing, according to Entrepreneur, is all about giving an experience in addition to the product. Three marketing concepts are involved:

  • Creating a higher level of value so that the product meets an intrinsic requirement
  • Taking away psychological discomfort in order to get customers to buy your product
  • Eliminating regret, making it easier for purchasers to make a purchasing decision

The following pointers should be helpful to both organisations on the fence and those who are already considering using bespoke labels to strengthen their marketing approach.

Some businesses utilise stickers for a variety of reasons. They are, however, mostly used for labelling containers and highlighting discounts, promotions, and other special offers. Excellent printing, high-quality materials, quick production, andprinting can all help to improve your company’s image. 

Obviously, you’ll need a dependable printing firm for anything like that — one that can produce them according to your specifications. Customized stickers are an excellent method to market your business. It is critical to have a good printing house as an associate in this regard. You’ll get an idea and a solution matched to your goals and budget if you ask for help or an offer to print labels.

Customized product labels are a critical business tactic for making your goods and brand stand out. Customized product labels from iCustomlabel hit the nail on the head when it comes to efficient marketing, particularly emotional marketing. 

What are the goals of emotional marketing?

It’s all about getting your name out there so you can become the go-to product and brand. As a result, marketing has two distinct objectives:

  • To persuade customers to choose your goods over others’.

The purpose of marketing is to provide and emphasise a distinguishing feature. There should be something that distinguishes you from your competitors in the market.

  • To create and reinforce your brand’s reputation and name recall.

People should think of your brand name first when considering purchasing anything in your product area.

Helps your product shine

Your product should be visually appealing, and you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of the average consumer. For these purposes, the product label is perhaps the easiest part of your product to alter. What distinguishes your product from similar products on the market? Labelling is a simple way to answer this question. Make use of it to make your goods stand out.

When it comes to making an appealing label, readability is crucial. Simple design, as well as bold typography and brilliant colours, easily draw the eye. The idea is to keep your customer’s attention long enough for them to examine it more closely.

Give an established value to your customers

Many of your target customers can be enthusiastic about a certain hobby, event, or activity, which you can incorporate into your wine label design. If a large section of your market is interested in sports, for example, including sports-related imagery on your wine bottle label or product can influence how your customers feel about what you’re giving.

Touches the personal sentiments

Grab any occasion to supply for a personal event, such as a birthday celebration, an anniversary, or even a company fundraising, to use this strategy in developing emotional connection. Changing the wine labels to reflect the celebration’s theme is a strategy that might pay off handsomely.

Your original graphics will connect with the partygoers instead of basic wine bottles. Because of this emotional connection, your products can be retained as keepsakes from that unique time. You’ll also discover that a positive event review will be linked to your goods.

Increase the engagement of your customers

It’s critical to persuade your buyer to choose your product above others now that you’ve captured their attention. This is why it’s critical to provide information on your labelling that’s specific to your product. Is it completely made of recyclable materials? Is there a fascinating tale to it? Is it a recipe or a family tradition? These are the kinds of factors that persuade customers to prefer one brand over another.

Which distinctive identifying information to add on your label is mostly determined by your product’s target market? Is logic or emotions more likely to influence your target audience? Figuring it out will help you decide how to structure your label.


All of these strategies rely on knowing what kind of emotional connection you want to make with your customer. Do you want them to be enthralled? Love? Nostalgia? Reflect these feelings in your custom labels’ design aspects, and plan your delivery or distribution such that the setting matches the mood you’re striving for. 

What you must remember is that generic and dull product labels will not elicit an effective emotional response. Routine product labels, which look the same no matter what, are uninteresting and unremarkable. As a result, your product is likely to be neglected and undervalued.

A customised product label, on the other hand, aids in the creation of the necessary emotional bond between your goods and the buyer. As a result, buyers’ perceptions of your product shift away from the product’s functionality and toward what it can deliver emotionally.

Nick Loggie:
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