How to Create a Content Calendar for SMS Marketing

How to Create a Content Calendar for SMS Marketing

How to Create a Content Calendar for SMS Marketing

When it comes to marketing your business, you need to get on a schedule. This needs to be one that you can stick to with extreme regularity. The more you do so, the easier it will be for your customers to deal with you. If they opt-in to receive SMS texts, they want to know when to expect them. Here are some tips on how to create a calendar for marketing.

Choose the Right SMS Text Marketing Service

The first thing you will need to do is make sure that the text message marketing service you choose is the right one for your needs. You can do this by considering a number of factors. The first one will obviously be heavily concerned with the price you are expected to pay. Shop around on the web and compare and contrast prices until you find the best arrangement.

Beyond that, you also need to be up on the type of features you expect from a mass text marketing service package. This should include items like a free app to host your next major text blast campaign. Without this free app, you won’t have an appropriate platform to launch your campaign from. It’s an absolute necessity if you want to reach thousands.

Another crucial item that you need to have included in your package is a platform from which to plan your SMS marketing content calendar. The actual contents of the calendar will naturally be up to you to decide. Once you have the platform in place, you can go on to fill it up. This will involve a whole other cycle of careful planning to get it right.

You Need to Keep a Consistent Schedule

As noted above, consistency will be the key to building a level of rapport with your audience. You need to know how much to post, what to post, and what hours of the day to post. This is the kind of routine that will be based at first on guesswork. But as the results come in with the needed amount of feedback, you will learn exactly what to do.

For example, no one likes to be bothered with a mass SMS blast text during their personal time. When they are relaxing at home and trying to enjoy a quiet moment, they don’t want to be interrupted with news of your latest sale item. Try to schedule your messages to arrive at more social hours. This will reduce the annoyance factor to a bare minimum.

It’s probably better to announce sales events during the week when people are actually searching for these items. Likewise, it’s best to schedule live stream events for the weekend when people actually have the time to watch them. You should thus schedule your calendar to send announcements a day or two before so you can create a buzz in advance.

Coordinate Your SMS and Email Calendars

SMS marketing has been hailed by many experts as the future of online marketing. But this doesn’t mean that other standby methods, such as email, should be ignored. On the contrary, a proven recipe for success is integrating and coordinating these methods. This can be reflected in the calendar you create.

You can make an initial announcement of an upcoming event via SMS text. This is a place where you give the raw details and bare bones that will create intrigue. But the pitch does not come to an end at this point.

A little while after you send out an SMS text, you should follow it up with an email. This is the place where you can go into a bit more detail. You can include an eye-catching image that will drive up customer interest.

Create the Calendar That Works for You

At the end of the day, the relationship that you have with your fans will be crucial. You want to schedule your posts in such a way as to be greeted like a welcome from a friend. This means that you have to be careful not to overstep any boundaries. At the same time, you need to check in on a regular basis. This is a balancing act you’ll need to perfect.

Nick Loggie:
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